Tender Mercies

1. My best friend came and visited this weekend.
2. I was able to attend the temple.
3. I got some cute new pictures of Camden on his bike!

Okay but seriously, it made me so happy to snap some pictures of my non stop, tiny human. I had been dying to find this fun colored wall that's up here in the Salt Lake Valley and I finally found it! It's in Bluffdale. The back wall of a warehouse building owned by Cents of Style is brightly painted and makes for the perfect backdrop! 

I'm telling ya, this kid could live on his bike. Every day without fail he tells me, "Mama, BIKE!" Hey, I'm not complaining. Definitely money well spent. 

Now, as excited as I was about finally discovering this cute wall, this is not the tender mercy my blog title introduces. Last month, after I told my family what was going on, my mom found this special book  my grandma had given me when I was eight years old. The book is entitled "The Message" by Lance Richardson. My grandma wrote a note on the title page, telling me that this book will give me a better understanding of where she is after she has passed away. After I read this book, I realized what a tender mercy it was for my mom to find it when she did.

"The Message" is a true story of Lance's experiences with the spirit world. Lance was involved in a motorcycle accident on Christmas Day in 1998. For an average healthy man, the accident would have done hardly any physical damage. Unfortunately, Lance was already suffering from many health complications, so the accident wound him up in the hospital. While in the hospital, Lance developed a serious case of pneumonia. Later, Lance's situation worsened, and he was diagnosed with ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrom), a fatal condition of inflammation in the lungs. Lance constantly struggled for breath, he writes that it "felt like breathing through a straw." Not long after Lance was diagnosed with ARDS, he went into respiratory failure, doctors were required to perform emergency surgery in order to keep him alive. After the surgery, they put Lance in a drug induced coma so his body could heal.

During his comatose state, Lance describes the experience of his spirit leaving his body and entering the spirit world. He was greeted by his dear cousin, Randy, who had passed away from cancer. Randy looked absolutely perfect, not the sick young man he had been when he died. Lance explains how strong the feelings of peace and love are in the spirit world.

Several excerpts from "The Message" have brought me such comfort. Lance says, "Thank God we are not allowed to see the future. How often we would seek to change the course, not realizing the need for such opposition." This quote echoes my previous blog post. The challenges or hardships we face can seem absolutely impossible, but they truly are necessary for our personal and spiritual growth.

My heart was so full as I read more of Lance's words. "Certain members of each family chose, long ago, before this life, to die and come to this realm that they might better help their families endure what is about to happen." I absolutely love, love, love that quote. Bliss chose to live a short life so she could become our angel baby, so she could help guide her family through this earthly life. What a feeling of joy, love and comfort that is to me.

Lastly, Lance says, "What a beautiful experience those who die are enjoying." Life after this will be a life full of love and happiness, and that will be a beautiful experience to become a part of.

I am so thankful for this book. It was given to me when I was eight years old, but Heavenly Father knew I would need it now more than ever. What a tender mercy it was for my mom to find it when she did. Lance's words have moved me, comforted me, and made me feel so peaceful. Bliss will be experiencing something so beautiful. She will meet me at heaven's gate someday and she will look absolutely and completely perfect. I look forward to that day! I am so thankful for tender mercies. They are constant reminders that my Heavenly Father loves me, and that he will always be there to help me. 


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